When was the last time you saw a television show devoted to the glory of God? Never! Folks today are no more interested in God’s glory than they are in man’s sinfulness. Who cares about the things of God? We are way too busy with our preoccupation with the things of man. What a grave miscarriage of justice! We human beings depend upon God for absolutely everything we have and love, yet we don’t give Him a passing thought. God doesn’t need any of us for anything, and yet He keeps a running tally of the number of hairs on our head. He remembers in detail every person who has ever lived, and will not forget to raise a single one on the day of judgment.
The chief preoccupation of this site is the “glory of God”. What do we mean by it? We use the phrase as a catchall term referring to everything that makes God unique, which exalts Him above all His creatures. God’s attributes can be divided into two main categories — physical and spiritual. Some Scripture passages use the term to refer to His “physical" attributes while others to His “spiritual” attributes. An example of the former is the epigraph of this page. An example of the latter is Romans 3:23:
… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…
Physical attributes include His power and intelligence, while spiritual attributes refer to His goodness, which can be further broken down into love, faithfulness, wrath, justice, and so on.
Although human beings are made in God’s image, and are capable of doing some amazing things and of thinking incredible thoughts, God has created two thousand billion galaxies while all the scientists in the world will never create a single atom. God is glorious; we are nothing. Yes, human beings are capable of performing acts of kindness for their fellow man. God was willing to enter flesh in Jesus Christ and die an agonizing, humiliating death for us. God is glorious, we, in our best state, are altogether insignificant.
Just as a tree falling in the forest makes a sound whether or not anybody is there to hear it, God is glorious whether or not a single creature acknowledges it. But those who do not recognize and acknowledge His glory have no idea what they are missing. Our desire is to help others see His glory and respond in the only appropriate way — in grateful worship.