Obsessed with God
Be warned! This site is not about people; it's about the One True God — the Holy One of Israel, the Father of Jesus Christ — Who is worth immeasurable times more than all human beings put together.
The God of the Bible is infinite in glory and majesty and goodness. His boundless power and intelligence are clearly revealed in the Creation. Without vacating heaven, that same God entered flesh through a miraculous virgin birth, taking upon Himself the form of the Incarnate Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel and of all mankind. Through Jesus we can clearly see His staggering goodness and love.
This transitory world, in which God is denied, rejected, or blasphemed, will be replaced by a new, benevolent world ruled by Jesus Christ, in which, “From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name is to be praised" (Ps. 113:3). (Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations on this site will be in the New King James version.) Malachi foretells a time when, "from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the nations" (1:11). Yes, the time is coming when all mankind will joyfully study the glory of God in all its aspects; all will be obsessed with His holiness. You have the opportunity to probe His greatness and sing His praises now.
In the meantime, mankind desperately needs a revival of interest in the glory of God and in the truth found in His Word. This skeptical age needs to be shown tangible reasons for believing in God and Jesus, and solid evidence that the Bible is His trustworthy Word. People need to understand that the truths of science in no way undermine faith — in spite of all the hype to the contrary. Dawn to Dusk’s singular goal is to make a contribution, however small, to fulfilling these needs.
If you love God and Truth, and are delighted by His glory, these pages will provide balm for the soul, food for the mind, and insights into what lies ahead in the kingdom of God that you will not find fully replicated anywhere else. Would that you could.
We guarantee you will sometimes disagree with what you find on this site, but we believe you will rarely be bored if you, too, number among the God-obsessed.

Assistants on the loose
Our head helper is the genial Ariel, a committed, life-long believer in the Holy One of Israel who came to understand the identity of Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah of Israel and of the whole world in his early 30s. He enjoys a well-deserved reputation for wisdom and peace-making within the community of believers. As you will discover, although he’s very serious about God and His Word, he has quite a fun streak in him.
He will be joined by Paul, teacher of Biblical Studies at Kingdom College to give what assistance they can to those seeking to understand the original meaning of the written word. You will be surprised — though not necessarily pleasantly — by many of the facts Paul will bring to light and the thoughts he shares.
When you explore the glory of God, you will often bump into Professor Shirukabod and his delightful grand daughter, Alice. The professor has an amazing knack for engaging with all aspects of the material creation, from galaxies to atoms, and explaining them to the general public.
Alice combines a childlike sense of wonder towards plants and animals with an unabashed love of praising God. Sometimes you would think she can talk with the animals.
Whether skeptic or believer, you cannot help but warm to our faith-and-reason duo — the indefatigable truth sleuth, Shylock Holmes, and his indispensable assistant, Watson, whom he recently married.
Does a Supreme Reality exist or doesn’t he — or she? Can the Bible be taken seriously as reliable truth, or is it a collection of ancient fables? Holmes, a Jew who converted to Christianity, has no doubts. Watson… well, an open-minded woman of considerable intellect, is not so sure. Holmes’s favourite saying is, “Follow the evidence”.
Watson agrees wholeheartedly with the saying, but doesn’t always interpret the evidence the same way he does. Feel free to eavesdrop on their stimulating conversations.
Finally, who better to help us picture the person and work of Jesus Christ than two people who had contact with Him when He walked our planet. First is Mary Magdalene, a true stalwart within Jesus’ circle of devoted followers. One of the most blessed of all who have ever lived, she was the first to see the risen Jesus Christ.
Then we have a little known figure, Simon of Cyrene, the muscular man who was pressed into service by the Roman soldiery to drag Jesus’ cross beam to His place of crucifixion. Though they had not met before that day, Mary and Simon became the closest of friends over the ensuing years. Simon always is accompanied by his lamb, named Joshua, as a constant reminder to him of His Lord and Saviour.
Though these characters lived in different historical periods, they nevertheless manage to get together once a year at their Getaway in the Woods to catch up with each other and confer on matters of vital importance. You will find yourself captivated to eavesdrop on their retreat conversations and activities.
So, search away on this site to your hearts’ content. We sincerely hope you find something to uplift your spirits and provide food for your mind. Fare thee well, friend.
Oh, one more thing. The reality of this world is such that wherever an attempt is made to present truth, the opposition will stop at nothing to harass and undermine it. A pernicious, nasty hacker, nicknamed Abudoeg, is actively seeking to disrupt this site by popping up unexpectedly and trying to drive visitors away. Should you see him… tell him to go away!

What will you find here?
All the material you find on this site is dedicated to enhancing understanding of our heavenly Father’s and Brother’s glory and goodness. God has given us a number of windows through which we can see His glory: what He has done (His works in creation and history), what He has said (His written Word), and, above all, His Incarnation in the form of Jesus Christ. As the navigation links make obvious, material on these topics is dealt with in three main areas: our blog, videos, and article bank. Fossick to your heart’s content. We are convinced you will find our material thought-provoking and, we would like to hope, bordering on witty on occasion.
In addition to the large amount of free material on this site, quality versions of many longer articles will be made available at minimal cost on our yet-to-be-developed bookshop site. Rod also written a number of books on biblical topics that will also be made available at that site. Below is a list of those books with links to promotional brochures on our legacy site:
Jacob’s Multi-colored Dream Goats
Shechem to Calvary: the Story of the Covenants
Showdown in Jerusalem: Conflict in the Early Church
Hebrews: A Fresh Look at an Old Book
Shadow and Reality
These books are not available in hard copy at this time. As time permits, they will be rejigged as ebooks and made available for download from the bookshop. Numerous other books are in the works. If you would like to be informed when they are available, drop us an email and we will add you to our list.

Personal notes
Rod McQueen, founder of Dawn to Dusk, was born in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, in 1950 and grew up in Melbourne, Australia. After graduating from Scotch College, he spent two years at Melbourne University studying Russian, Indonesian, Middle Eastern Studies, History and Philosophy of Science, and Biology before going to England to study theology at Ambassador College.
Upon graduation, Rod pastored various Church of God congregations in Australia and the United States for twenty three years. As a minister, he developed a great love of teaching, as well as the communication skills necessary to explain complex topics in interesting, understandable terms. At the same time, he became more and more astounded by the scope of God's glory as clearly manifested in all aspects of the creation and in His written revelation, the Bible, and in His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Concerned over the lack of user-friendly material about God's majesty, Rod left the paid ministry in 1997 to devote himself to doing what he could to redress this unhappy state of affairs, with special emphasis on the insights provided into the mind of God by the marvels of creation. To maintain hands-on experience with the wonders of creation, Rod joined the Central North Field Naturalists club of Tasmania in 1990, in which he served as president for a couple of terms.
Ably supporting him in this endeavour is his wife and best friend since 1974, Martha. Martha was born in San Francisco in 1952, and grew up in nearby San Anselmo. Upon graduating from High School, she attended Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA, for one year before transferring to spend the next three years studying at its sister campus in Brickett Wood, England, where she and Rod met, fell in love, and married. They have four children, eleven grandchildren and counting. They live in Tasmania, the renowned "Apple Isle" of Australia.
Rod has had articles published in a number of Christian magazines, including Good News and Creation Ex Nihilo. Rod served for a number of years as a member of two local development committees and a special committee of the Meander Valley Council, the Parks, Reserves and Townscapes Committee. In addition to helping run Dawn to Dusk, Martha works as a library technician and teacher’s aide at the Hagley Farm Primary School, specializing in speech therapy and literacy support. Over the years she has done much voluntary copyediting, devoted herself to visiting the elderly, and participated in and helped conduct the Meander Valley Choir.